You, Me and the Sea.

Monday Musing: Remnants

By 7:03 PM

Remnants of my old self, pre-Deus era.

During my pregnancy, I was part of the unlucky ones who gained a lot of weight while carrying their babies. I was 30 pounds heavier which frankly I didn't mind back then since I am more concerned about Deus' welfare. I ate whatever I want but balanced my food intake by eating fruits and vegetables. And because of the weight gain, I rarely post or take photos of myself. I also didn't buy pregnancy clothes and wore my old clothes instead as a way of motivating myself to get back in shape after giving birth. 
Well, that's what I thought. Apparently, I can only do that if I had a normal operation but instead went thru a caesarean operation. You see, I had trouble during labor and was advised by my OB to undergo CS to which I obliged.  I can endure the pain and the complications it can possibly bring but I cannot simply risk the life of my baby, I have waited for this moment far too long to jeopardize this. 
Now 6 weeks after Deus was born and still 20 pounds heavier, I am still biding my time to get back in shape. Looking at Deus, I am no longer compelled to be thin but instead stay healthy for him. I know this mommy can bounce back but for now Deus is my priority. My time will come, after 2 or 3 months that is. Hopefully.

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  1. Oh!!! Relate much!!! :) i wanted to lose weight na. :( thanks for sharing! :)

    1. yup, same here but I can't exercise or go on a diet because apart from undergoing CS operation, I am also exclusively breastfeeding. but not complaining though. :)

  2. also had CS for my youngest son. Your body will shape back to pre-pregnancy in no time, enjoy this season with deus. keep your stories coming!

  3. I also had to undergo an emergency CS operation. I didn't get to work out until several months later! Good thing breastfeeding helped me lose a lot of weight in no time. Focus on recovery and baby muna :)

  4. So relate! My pre-pregnancy weight is 55kgs but I reached almost 80kgs, thankfully breastfeeding helped me to shed those pounds. Feeling ko nga ang payat payat ko na ngayon, mas payat before.

  5. It's the exact opposite for me after giving birth. I lost too much weight. :)

  6. It's the exact opposite for me after giving birth. I lost too much weight. :)

  7. I am with you on this. It's been four months after I gave birth via CS and I haven't lost weight yet..

  8. It's has been almost 2 months since you gave birth. Don't rush yourself, Mommy. Please focus on your recovery and your baby for now. Take it one step at a time! :)

  9. I agree with Ruth, focus on your recovery and baby first. You can do morning walkathon with the baby :)
