You, Me and the Sea.


By 11:40 PM

Custom Bangle from Bicspoke

Yesterday, Deus celebrated his 2nd month which means I only have 2 weeks left before I go back to work. And the thought of this is already making me anxious. Being a first time mom, I don't know how I will manage to be apart from him for the most part of the day. How he and my mother is doing? Or if I missed a new milestone from him. But most of all, I'd probably be constantly worrying if he is getting enough sustenance since I intend to exclusively breastfeed him, well, until I am able to. 
Two-weeks and I'm still doing a lot of research on exclusive breastfeeding. Scheduling, increasing my milk supply; basically, working and pumping. I know now the true definition of multi-tasking. 

For working supermoms out there, any tips you can share with me? 

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  1. Take it easy.. you'll be doing fine! :) If you want to still breastfeed, I know some moms pump and save their milks and leave it for the baby to drink. Then you can call your mom every 30 minutes to assure you that they are fine..:) Been there... so I know how first time moms feel. :)

  2. Congratulations first-time mom! :)

    I know how you feel! I had been there... 4 years ago. After giving birth, I knew what I wanted and that's to exclusively breastfeed my baby. I had to work part-time so I could go home and breastfeed my daughter every now and then. Good thing my work place is just 5-minute walk from our house, that's really a blessing. And then I finally decided that I wouldn't want to go back to work anymore so I could just stay at home with my daughter. With God's grace and providence, I was able to do exclusive breastfeeding. My daughter is 4 years old now and I still breastfeed her. I'm still a stay-at-home mom and wife; no regrets whatsoever. :)

    Your situation might be different from mine. But you can still feed your baby with your breastmilk by pumping milk and storing it in the freezer. Many of the working moms I know did/are doing that.

    Blessings! :)

  3. Hi mommy! First I want to applaud your efforts.I'm a breastfeeding mom but I stay at home.I have some info on my blog about breastfeeding but you could also join Breastfeeding Pinays on Facebook for more info :)

  4. 2 months of maternity leave is really not enough for us working mothers. I am really hoping government can extend it so mothers will have more time to exclusively breastfeed their babies. Anyway, just keep what you are doing and we have a powerful technology now where you can search for helpful tips about breastfeeding.

  5. My other twins' name is also Deus! :) His whole name is Deus Zachary. And I am still breastfeeding him at 1 yr and 9 months. :)

  6. Just keep going mommy. What pump are you using? For me, I used Avent manual pump and it was so effective, I was a cow! :) Rest well, too, and drink lots of liquids.

  7. I haven't been on that road of working at an office while pumping milk to keep breastfeeding baby. I know of many moms though who have done it so rest assured that you can too! :) Don't stress on it too much.

  8. I built my stash for 2 weeks before I go back to work. Then I pumped every 2 to 3 hours so its 4 times at work. So far we are now 10months ebf and I still have enough supply and keep pumping at work. Goodluck mommy!

  9. It will be fine. Most working moms I know had the same sentiments. I remember seeing a friend sobbing while on the phone with her mother, when I asked her why she said: my baby is crying and I can't do anything... but everything went well with her.

  10. Don't worry, mommy. You're doing just fine. Don't stress out too much, too, it might affect your supply. Good luck on getting back to work!

  11. love the bangle! good luck w the breastfeeding, im sure youll find your rythm soon!
